Thursday, November 27, 2008

Michelle Lefevre Article19 Lifetime Dance Loser Award

Lifetime Dance Loser Award

Michelle Lefevre appears to be one of those gross pontificators we are lucky to rarely encounter. An armchair wannabe dancer whose limited claim to fame is a series of anal negativity proffered on her dance blog Article19. Michelle is one of those people who have just enough knowledge where an over inflated ego fills in too many blanks and uses it in a destructive manner. Worse than a know it all, as a sponge, she only knows what fits her empty agenda through the limited capabilities of an ill equipped intellect.

We are not sure what psychological traumas have brought her to the bombastic somersaults that viciously lash out on the dancing community but have had the unfortunate experience of tasting the ignorant infant in all her glory upfront and personal. Lucky for us we do not have to take her serious and her faux attempt at intellectualism fails in the technology world history where 1+1 is 2 and not debatable as art might be. I felt sorry to find blogs and read complaints of many dancers who were devastated from the nasty tripe Lefevre deals out as ”artistic criticism.” Even in the world dance community her inane droning at Article 19 is called childish, belligerent, dangerous, derogatory, and unprofessional.

In order to expand access to dancing video sites where fans, dancers and others could find such sites we noted an older archive of fine dance material on her blog. We bypassed her main page to link to the video archive section – afte all it had nothing of her in it so it appeared very good. As usual we linked and sent an email notification to let the site owner know. Sweet Michelle had little time for such gifts and claimed “fuck off you link farming assholes,” such was the total length of her email message, gratitude, and interest in expanding dance video.

That was okay with us, we don’t mind explaining who we are. Anyone can be an idiot and anyone can hold an opinion; it was up to us to explain ourselves. So we did. At which point she not only reaffirmed her previous colorful language but also added that there was no need for her to add to her “50,000 monthly visitors”. Poor girl, she does not get 1000 hits a month and probably mostly her. Her site ranks in the unknowns – 2,000,000th? That’s okay, we remember such neophytes like Michelle Lefevre back in the mid 90’s and certainly her education on the Internet is generation X. If it did not happen recently it never happened. But we thought most people were more aware of history but not Michelle.

Yes, Michelle Lefevre thinks the Internet started only when domains appeared, a real gen-x educational dropout here. Little known to Michelle is the fact that the Internet goes back to the 1960’s and what she considers the Internet was merely a conversion from one addressing system to the current addressing system. Yep, even though easily found information the mentally challenged Michelle Lefevre said “Also, been on the internet since "1978". Quite an achievement since the first domain name wasn't registered until 1985.” This was in reference to our referring to the owner here, Rick Siegel, being on the Internet since 1978. So for her very limited mind no one could be on the Internet prior to the DNS system being in place. All the time we used bangs (!) to route were our imagination or her ignorance? Is this not a limited intelligence claiming ultimate knowledge? This woman is so full of herself reality has no chance of finding space to permeate. Michelle Lefevre claims to be a debunker, but her bunk is so thick it clogs the mind. Michelle Lefevre glass is so full of rancid water there is no room for real information. All this while was she trying once to expand her dancing website or dance as a whole? Michelle Lefevre knows very little about people, relations, dancing or websites and cares only about a stroked ego and her feeling of superiority. We do not fall for her guff and find her repugnant.

The thing here is that we went and searched her favorite search engine, Google, to find out about her and all we found was a woman whose history was of abusing dancers with anal retentive pontifications from her keyboard. She is a dancing fool! A destructive force in her industry playing knowledgeable – she talks the distorted talk of one who needs to tear others to feel good and cant dance the dance herself.

So, we figured we would let you and all the dancers know why we do not list Article 19’s video archive anymore. For those whose lives are entwined in the dance world you can now know and point to the fact that this woman knows nothing and when she pontificates it is from a vacuum. For those who depend on us to find cool video sites cared for by people who care about your niche we have done you a service by removing this obnoxious woman’s site from the guide. Michelle Lefevre has created a toxic wasteland at Article19 where only those who play up to her over-inflated ego can find a shred of humanity. It would be beyond pale to recommend such a site where the owner cannot create a welcome atmosphere for the dance audience.

Dance on and check out some cool dance video sites that are NOT Article19 or anything to do with the thing called Michelle Lefevre. These sites have cool webmasters and great videos making a postive manifestation for the global dance community.

Randy Penn (when you need a Randy pen)

OnlineTV Visions of the Future Today

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NYCTV 10 Years!

NYCTV OnlineTV Networks About NYCTV

NYCTV was formed in early 1998 as part of the programming for the community of New York and surrounding area via IP platforms and forms an integral part of the OnlineTV Networks. NYCTV is proud to celebrate being 10 years old this New Years Eve.

NYCTV focus' on both a community sharing video site and its NYCTV video and entertainment website. Featuring upcoming and past events, art openings, cultural events, music tours, band gigs, and just about anything you can think of to post about New York.

NYCTV has just launched its free classified advertising and a great new video on demand sharing platform where anyone can upload, share, and join in the NYCTV community. You can build your own TV channel and groups. Amazing to see and you have to check out the video invitation to this weekends opening parties!

NYCTV uses the advanced technologies and video distribution network built out by OnlineTV. Uploading, embedding and conversion of various video formats are all available on the site to allow the New York community access to create their own shows and channels for the NYCTV audience. was launched in 1996 and is the leading International virtual broadcaster, developer, marketer and distributor of proprietary live and archived entertainment utilizing broadband and other advanced delivery systems.

OnlineTV Visions of the Future Today

Saturday, May 17, 2008

NYCTV Opens New Site Calls for TV Show Producers

NYCTV launched a new ondemand website last month. This month we see they launch a new video share website! They have made a call to everyone to come on and start showing their videos for new TV shows! You can be a star at NYCTV and get a chance to be a featured show at NYCTV.

You can make up your own shows and upload them or link them from your Youtube, Metacafe or other services to make it even easier! Then you create your group for the show and start adding stuff. Comments, messages, rating, playlists and posting to the social networks are all tools on the site. It works pretty good and it is NYCTV afterall.

OnlineTV Visions of the Future Today

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NYC TV Announces On Demand Video Website

NYC TV announces an all new on demand video site. A searchable video engine allows you to find 1000's of videos on every imaginable subject about New York.

A fast search will find any video on the Internet and NYC TV has focused this site on New York entertainment, government, music and fun.

NYCTV also offers a complete video blog and guides to activities and events around the city as well as New Yorks Conspiracy TV.

Check them out at NYCTV.COM.

OnlineTV Visions of the Future Today

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Find Video Websites Easily

While video websites are popping up like tulips in spring there still remains a vast void in the video search to find great video sites.

Perhaps I should define what I mean by great video websites and finding the best video websites?

A great video website is one that not only has hosted or embedded video for you to peruse but serves a purpose to your presence. When you look for video websites you are not really looking for just video. You have your needs and desires and curiosity to fulfill. These are your niche topics and that is the stuff that you will gravitate to even if you are on a video website with a smorgasbord of topics to choose from.

What happens to these huge compendiums of video are the good stuff is lost between the billions of garbage uploads with similar tags and descriptions made for deception. You end up seeing a lot of garbage and a couple gems if you are lucky.

The things that tickle our fancy maybe not the same that tickle editors at YouTube. So we are left with searching again to find people who are focusing on the things we like. Back to the search engines to do bigger sentences to find what we want? Nope, there is a better way.

The new Online TV Guide has opened a portal to the best in niche video websites. If you want to find video websites that have more personality to offer than a clone-tube then you have to give this site a try.

Updated several times a week with new finds they scout to find sites that have a niche market. Above that the sites have to have owners that are actively and enthusiastically working on their specialty. This is what the Internet net was designed to do. Bring you to the things you wanted in an easy and direct way. You can spend the hours trying to find the sites on the major search engines. Everyone is there somewhere. But it is a struggle and that is why a hand edited video search guide is just what the doctor ordered.

The Online TV Guide does not stream video but guides you to the sites that curate video specialties. You might want to know about horses, xtreme sports, college football, miniature houses, dental care, jobs, video classifieds, heavy metal music, teachers tubes, cold blooded creatures, which leads to serious political or the not so serious it is all there. If it's not there yet you can even submit a site for inclusion with no problem. Membership is free and assures that real people and not auto-robots make submissions. Commenting and voting do not need membership, just participation. The search is there and the game is on!

Find video websites at Online TV Guide.

OnlineTV Visions of the Future Today