Saturday, September 30, 2006

Time Warner And LWV Censor 911 Crimes From Governor's Debate in NY

A recent New York gubernatorial debate at Bailey Hall on the Cornell campus in Ithaca NY has provided some unexpectedly ugly facts. An intentional censorship by Time-Warner and the League of New York Women's Voters of anything that mentions the un-prosecuted crimes of 911 brought on more than the governor hopefuls had expected

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Exclusive: U.S. Troops Abandoned Me, Convoy Driver Says

A dramatic video obtained by ABC News shows how U.S. troops behaved during an attack on a Halliburton convoy in Iraq. A driver who survived says the company tried to cover up the incident.

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The Simpsons seaons 1-18 Live on the Internet

Every season of the simpsons streaming live on the Internet. More great cartoons from the head of Matt Groenig. Simpsons rule! Go Homer Simpson! This is all free!

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The Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Family Guy, American Dad Streaming Live

Every episode from every season is found at once here. It is the most amazing site. In all their glory each episode can be streamed FOR FREE to your site.
Free Video! FUTURAMA! Complete!

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Richard Black Releases Two Free Music Downloads for the New Revolution

Richard Black has been laying low for a couple years and has re-emerged to bring a couple great songs to the recent efforts of to bring change in governance. Two new songs, "Lies" and "Strike The Root" are now released to the public for free by NYCTV at the website.

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